Biblical Studies

Christians, Cursing, and Cussing: the biblical view

Do you cringe when you hear other people cussing or using the Lord’s name in vain? Or are you a cringy cussing Christian, someone who believes in Jesus as his or her Lord and savior but who has a foul mouth? In Episode 51 of George Janko’s podcast, he held a discussion with the ladies […]


Cussing and Discussing Eph 5:3-4

There has been some discussion about cussing, and an appeal to Eph 5:3-4 has been made. After attempting to summarize the types of cases put forth by his opponents, the author makes the following appeal: But notice what Paul himself said about lewd and off-color language. He classifies it as impurity in Ephesians 5:3-6, where he treats […]